There are times when you think you know what you are getting....then you do a DOUBLE TAKE!!


Knowing Yourself...Loving Yourself

As a mother, a wife, an employee, and a fulltime student I sometimes don't time out for myself.  A few years ago, I never took time out for myself, but I try to make that happen at one point of time or another.  I think sometimes I lose myself in the "hussle" of life.  When people as me about myself, I always answer with "I'm married with children, fulltime student, etc..." instead telling someone who "I" am.

I know for a while, I didn't know who I was becauase I was only the "wife, mother, student, etc...", but now I'm getting to know me again.  Yes, the me who loves to just still and relax on lazy Sunday afternoons.  The me who loves to go to my local library and pick out a good read.

And while I'm in the getting to know myself again...the love for myself is coming back.  I love it.  I love me and I love who I am.

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All About Me

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
mom to four . wife . grad student . knitter . love bargins . love thrift stores . love color . love to dye yarn

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