There are times when you think you know what you are getting....then you do a DOUBLE TAKE!!


Trip to Waco

My trip to Waco has been both fun and a lot of work. I have to admit that I have not lived with my dad since I've been eight years it's kind of weird, but it's cool. I'm here helping him with a few things while his wife is in the hospital.

So while I'm here, I want coffee, so no, I don't go to Star Bucks, but I did find this small local coffee shop, Common Grounds. It is great! It's right near Baylor and so it was filled with college student with laptop....just studying away. My dad does not have internet at his house, so this was just perfect...a great cup of coffee, Angel Kiss, and the internet. What a great pair.

This place is right off the highway and they have many many daily specials. If you are driving through Waco, Texas....check them out!!

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All About Me

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
mom to four . wife . grad student . knitter . love bargins . love thrift stores . love color . love to dye yarn

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